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An ensemble pursues their fears with radical honesty, subtle humour and wild imagination.

An attempt to stage FEAR with radical honesty.

Co-created with a creative team of inter-media artists, a sublime aural and visual theatrical experience sharpens the senses, plays havoc with logic and investigates the animal response of fight, flight, freeze and fawn.

Each performer rigorously researched and performatively delved into the theme to share their own diverse perspective of FEAR. Accompanied by a live score, a collective presentation through body and voice is an attempt to present the unpresentable, the sublime.

Smock Alley Theatre, 2022

Co-creators: Wafaa Abusharekh, Fióna Bolger, Dallal Bounekdja, Larissa Brigatti, Laurence Cunningham, Joan Somers Donnelly, Mark Dyer, Clara FitzGerald, Neo Gilson, Siber Habib, Olivia Hassett, Hannes Jung, Sabine Paschen, Rebecca Ryan.

Directors: Maud Hendricks & Bernie O’Reilly

Lighting: Sheila Murphy

Movement Director: James Hosty

Costume: Venetia Bowe

Sound: Oli Ryan

Producers: Sean Denyer and Heather McCleod

Funded by the Arts Council and Dublin City Council. 

Supported by The Coombe Hospital.

Photos by: Maud Hendricks

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