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Global Desires Performance Conversation

Delve into questions around the Science of Desire in a performance conversation with a neuroscientist, a botanist and an artist.

A performance conversation with neuroscientist Paul Dockree and botanist Mike Williams and Joan Somers Donnelly, artist, organiser and Open Theatre Practice performer offering unique perspectives on desire.

Can humans learn from the sex life of plants?

What is the relationship between violence and desire?

How does capitalism use our desires?

The Bank, The Digital Hub 2023

Co-creation science panel: Neuroscientist Paul Dockree and Botanist Dr Michael Williams

Performer: Joan Somers Donnelly

Performance concept and direction: Maud Hendricks

Funded by the Arts Council, Science Foundation Ireland, Dublin City Council

Supported by the Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital and The Digital Hub.

Film by: Cal De Brí

Photos by: Cal De Brí and Maud Hendricks

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Screenshot 2023 11 18 at 22.25.07
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