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In Danger of Extinction, Carlow, Ghent, Dublin

An Open Theatre Practice Exchange Project with Jong Gewei, Ghent

Hurry up where we are in danger. Hurry up when we are in danger.

The overall shape will be taken from the human form.

Large eyes and large pupils for better sight. Unity is our weapon.

This is a performance in the exercise of human evolution.

An Open Theatre Practice Exchange Project with Jong Gewei, Ghent

A performance exploration using Open Theatre Practice methodologies and performance making techniques to explore the reality of the Anthropocene in an imagined context.

In Danger of Extinction explored the future in a series of workshops in Youthreach Carlow and at Visual Carlow with an inter-generational group of people form the Tullow Road, Carlow and Dublin.

This work informed individual performance content as Outlandish Theatre participants and artists joined the creation process of Jong Gewei’s film project in Ghent.

Both Outlandish Theatre and Jong Gewei create new experimental theatre with professional and community participants. Kloppend Herd have developed a pioneering youth programme whereby performances and experimentation of artforms are led by participants. In this exchange, Maud and Bernie have been supported by the artistic team at Jong Gewei as they develop a youth strand of Open Theatre Practice, benefiting from the learnings and experience of the team of professional theatre makers, dramaturgs and pedagogues.

Both Magma and Outlandish Theatre value and espouse innovative artistic methodologies of co-creation inspired by people, places, and philosophy, focusing on the core principles of self-representation, diversity, and intersectionality within a quality artistic framework. We aim to unsettle and explore the intersection between philosophical ideas and lived experience, especially in the ever-changing urbanised environments of the 21st century.  This exchange programme supports the development of a long-term connections between places, uniting Ireland and Belgium, to share undiscovered histories and seed future  possibilities, through the visions, dreams and hopes of young people.

2022 - ongoing

Participants: Youthreach Carlow learners, Lisa Brooks, Robert Brooks, Teegan Keogh Gorry, Julia O’Loughlin Hendricks, Jay Jay McCarthy, Tyris O’Rock, Kyle Vundla.

Workshop support Carlow: Katla Ársælsdóttir

Co-facilitator artist in Belgium: Joan Somers Donnelly

Funded by Arts Council and Dublin City Council 

Supported by Jong Gewei, VISUAL Carlow, Youthreach Carlow.

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